He served as Lieutenant General of Elizabeth’s army at Tilbury which she referenced in her Speech to the Troops at Tilbury. It was not allowed to continue to the point where Elizabeth was in any kind of danger, and Babington certainly didn’t get close enough to the Queen to level a gun against her. Walsingham was indeed aware of the plot and allowed it to continue so that he might gather evidence against Mary, Queen of Scots, but once that evidence was acquired the plot was shut down and the conspirators were arrested. Elizabeth - Un film di Shekhar Kapur. She left the baby with a wet nurse and returned to court within weeks, hiding any evidence of the baby. As a devout Catholic Philip was involved in the suppression of Protestantism in Europe as well as the persecution of Islam in the Ottoman Empire, which could be termed a holy war, and while England was one of the largest Protestant states in Europe, it was not the only opposition to Catholicism. King Erik of Sweden had proposed marriage to Elizabeth early in her reign before he was king, but was rejected. Philip is entirely motivated by his faith and his devotion borders on mental instability. Owing to threats of assassination, only members of the. The last straw for Philip was the Treaty of Nonsuch signed by Elizabeth in 1585 – promising troops and supplies to the rebels. Apparently, despite the lavish costumes and impressive sets, it lacked the depth of the original. Raleigh and Bess embarked upon an affair and she fell pregnant by him, begging him to marry her when she discovered it. The screenplay was wri… Elizabeth Regina d’Inghilterra, sempre più consapevole dei cambiamenti politici e religiosi dell’Europa della fine del 1500, è costretta a fronteggiare gli attacchi del re Filippo II di Spagna, intenzionato a riportare il Cattolicesimo in Inghilterra. Raleigh was also a part of this group and as Captain of the Gentlemen Pensioners had access to the Queen and her ladies. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. He expressed hope to hear these pieces appear in another project. The fleet was made up of a few new ships, with the bulk made up of the existing Spanish fleet and privately owned vessels that were requisitioned by the government to form part of the Spanish navy. Raleigh assisted in the defence of England on land and did not take to sea, though the Lord High Admiral, Charles Howard used Ark Royal, a ship that once belonged to Raleigh, as his flagship. In England, it is assumed that the Armada will be successful and the resulting invasion will see Elizabeth killed and Spain take the throne. It transpires that Philip knowingly orchestrated the Babington Plot, manipulating Mary, Queen of Scots and Walsingham so that he would have justification to attack England. Home Guida TV Raleigh is released in June, Damerei dies in October and Bess is released in December. His efforts to secure the throne include spying on Mary Queen of Scots and encouraging Elizabeth to marry. The film premiered on 9 September 2007 at the Toronto International Film Festival. Elizabeth’s councilors brought pressure on the queen to have Mary tried for treason. [29], At the 80th Academy Awards, Alexandra Byrne won the Academy Award for Costume Design. Consigli per la visione +16. Ultimately, he does not create the colony the film suggests he does nor does he return to the New World to settle there, though he did make some journeys in search of the legendary ‘El Dorado’. He said 'that Blanchett could appear in the same Toronto International Film Festival playing Elizabeth and Bob Dylan, both splendidly, is a wonder of acting'. As a result, Babington is apprehended, his accomplices captured and Mary, Queen of Scots is put on trial. The film co-stars Geoffrey Rush (reprising his role from the previous film), Clive Owen, Jordi Mollà, Abbie Cornish, and Samantha Morton. Live in ignorance, it’s really, really bad. Philip tells his daughter Isabella that they must remove Elizabeth setting England free from the devil. In History: Firstly, Mary did not speak with a Scottish accent. I am routinely appalled and annoyed when film-makers play around with the historical facts, and I did notice the many discrepancies in both films. She would have had a minimal household around her, as Elizabeth kept her on a tight rein and they would not have had the freedom to plot the way they do, they certainly would not have felt free enough to openly refer to slitting Elizabeth’s throat. "[3], Stephen Whitty of the Newark Star-Ledger said: "This movie equates Catholicism with some sort of horror-movie cult, with scary close-ups of chanting monks and glinting crucifixes". Conspiring with Jesuits, Mary gives the order for them to move against Elizabeth. The English fleet is vastly outnumbered and the Spanish immediately begin picking off what ships they do have, but their advantage is lost when the wind turns against them. She sits on her horse in full armour prepared to fight the Spanish alongside them. Stay safe people! Blanchett was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama for her performance in the film,[31] the Critics' Choice Award for Best Actress in a leading role, and a SAG Award. Ha avuto un seguito, nel 2007, con Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Mary writes letters condoning the plot. -Elizabeth - the golden age (2007) - Filmscoop.it.Trama del film Elizabeth - the golden age. Initially, Elizabeth learns more about Walter Raleigh it is through Bess who she dispatches to meet him on her behalf. At the time the film is set Walsingham was middle-aged, but suffered from occasional bouts of illness which required him to retire from court to recover, it’s possible that his illnesses were indeed exacerbated by his role at court. Dopo tre decenni, la regina Elizabeth I continua a fronteggiare le continue minacce di tradimento. Apparently, despite the lavish costumes and impressive sets, it lacked the depth of the original. Godibile, nella sua durata non eccessiva, poco meno di due ore e piacevole per la scorrevolezza della narrazione di … [citation needed], Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Cultural depictions of Elizabeth I of England, Cultural depictions of Philip II of Spain, 'Catholics condemn “twisted” Elizabeth film', 'Rome condemns Queen Elizabeth again – this time over film of her reign', 'Historian bags Blanchett's Elizabeth: The Golden Age', 'Director Shekhar Kapur Discusses Elizabeth: The Golden Age', "Golden Age Diary: Craig Armstrong and A R Rahman", "What's That Song in the 'Man of Steel' Trailer? [citation needed], Although Cate Blanchett's performance was highly praised, the film received generally mixed to negative reviews from US critics. "[24], Michael Gove, speaking on BBC Two's Newsnight Review, said: 'It tells the story of England's past in a way which someone who's familiar with the Whig tradition of history would find, as I did, completely sympathetic. I do believe that civilisations that don't learn from history are civilisations that are doomed to make the same mistakes again and again, which is why this film starts with the idea of fundamentalism against tolerance. That was so long ago now I’ve forgotten most of it, though I do recall some odd scenes around the Essex rebellion. Raleigh and Bess were imprisoned and though they were released, Bess was never reconciled with the Queen, forced to live the rest of her life beyond the court. Elizabeth beholds her victory from the cliff edge, looking over the fired Spanish ships as the English return to port, having recovered Raleigh from the sea. Referring to Bess as ‘her little adventurer’ Elizabeth has a sense of living vicariously through her. Robert Devereux – Although not cemented as a favourite of the Queen by 1585, the Earl of Essex was still a prominent courtier. The motivation for the launch of the fleet was less to do with Mary, Queen of Scots and more in retaliation to England’s consistent anti-Spanish piracy and the country’s interference with Philip’s affairs in the Low Countries. So you interpret history to tell the story that is relevant to us now'. While Elizabeth took historical revisionism and somehow still managed to make a well-received film with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 81% Elizabeth: The Golden Age took the same approach but with the far less impressive score of 35%. When the Armada returned, defeated, Philip accepted it as the will of God and ensured that all the injured men received the help and treatment they needed. Walsingham did die after the Spanish Armada at the age of fifty eight. She fell in however with a particularly wild crowd at court that surrounded the Earl of Essex, another of the Queen’s favourites. So it's not anti-Catholic. But for all its lapses, this is probably the liveliest, most vibrant Elizabethan production since Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet. It was the time of the Spanish Inquisition and against a woman whose half of her population was Protestant, half was Catholic. The film won two Satellite Awards for Best Production Design for Guy Hendrix Dyas and Best Costume Design for Byrne. When Elizabeth found out about the affair, Raleigh was imprisoned in the Tower of London, though briefly released to fight against the Spanish in a naval skirmish unrelated to the Armada, and returned there after its completion. Elizabeth: The Golden Age. Il film parla della relazione che la Regina Elisabetta I intrattenne con l'esploratore-avventuriero Sir Walter Raleigh.--Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007) streaming film | Italia-Film.Elisabetta I, gi … She visits Raleigh and Bess and blesses their child. The plot culminates with an assassination attempt on Elizabeth, Babington levels a hand pistol at her, calls her a whore, declares for Mary of Scotland, but fails to follow through when he pulls the trigger to find the gun isn’t loaded. Raleigh did so, but the event was kept secret and after the fact the two resumed their lives as if nothing had happened, facing down the rumours. Where else have you heard these words about Salman Khan or Salman Rushdie? As for the Armada itself, Raleigh’s ship saw more action than he did, as Lord Howard, Admiral of the Fleet took Raleigh’s Ark Royal for his flagship, while Raleigh saw to the defenses in Devon. As was standard among Elizabeth’s admirers, Raleigh pretended that the Queen was the only woman in the world as far as he was concerned, even while he conducted a discreet affair with Bess Throckmorton. Elizabeth, atop her coastal headquarters, walks out to the cliffs and watches the Spanish Armada sink in flames as the English prevail. With Cate Blanchett, Clive Owen, Geoffrey Rush, Jordi Mollà. Sad sad sad bunch of the woke chattering class of historians,….brainwashed at their relative olleges & university halls to project the same corosive anti-British narative found in most quasi- communist gaurdian readers tea-rooms & hairdressers. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. During the trial Mary conducted herself as a queen, denying the authority of the court to try her in the first place. But Kathy Bates could not lose her very strong cockney (London) accent, which I found distracting. Elizabeth: The Golden Age takes place almost thirty years after Elizabeth, charting the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots and the Spanish Armada, focusing on Elizabeth’s relationship with Sir Walter Raleigh all the while somehow managing to be even less historically accurate than the first film. Although it can be argued this English action was the result of Philip's Treaty of Joinville with the Catholic League of France, Philip considered it an act of war by England. Many of his circle, including Essex himself, incurred the Queen’s wrath by engaging in a secret marriage and/or a hidden pregnancy, Bess Throckmorton and Walter Raleigh among them. ... Elizabeth - The Golden Age. [6], Monsignor Mark Langham, Administrator of Westminster Cathedral, was criticised by some Roman Catholics for allowing scenes to be shot there; although praising the film as a 'must see', he suggested that 'it does appear to perpetuate the myth of “killer priests”'. The Film: The Armada is the largest fleet ever seen, it is so large it cannot be completed in time, with the shipbuilders claiming only a miracle can see it done. Elizabeth surprises him by speaking in German and they reach a clear understanding that he doesn’t want to be there, nor married to her and she allows him to retire. Elizabeth is often antagonistic towards him, overworking him while also using the threat of retirement when he oversteps his mark. And Jordi Mollà, despite being given thin, rickety legs for the film was, in triumph and in defeat, breathtakingly handsome. Even if we argue that the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots precipitated the Armada, Philip certainly didn’t use her as a pawn in a plot that would allow him to attack England when he already had far greater justification elsewhere. [7][8], Historian Franco Cardini, of the University of Florence, alleged 'the film formed part of a "concerted attack on Catholicism, the Holy See and Papism" by an alliance of atheists and "apocalyptic Christians"'. He does call her ‘my child’ and is able to read her body language suggesting a long and close relationship, likewise Elizabeth is warm towards him and trusts in his predictions. Scopri su TV Sorrisi e Canzoni la programmazione di Elizabeth - The Golden Age: trama, cast, news e curiosità sugli attori. Ebert did, however, praise many of the actors' performances, particularly that of Cate Blanchett as Queen Elizabeth I. He was not shunned by his people or the court and he rebuilt the Spanish fleet with such swiftness that England could not capitalise on their victory. Babington storms into a cathedral where Elizabeth is praying and fires a pistol at her, though Elizabeth is unharmed as there was no bullet in the gun. This was a measure taken to preserve a European balance of power. After the events of the Armada, Bess is released, reunited with Raleigh and reconciled to the Queen who gives her blessing to their baby. He writes: "Where Kapur's first Elizabeth was cool, cerebral, fascinatingly concerned with complex plotting, the new movie is pitched at the level of a Jean Plaidy romantic novel".[21]. The Film: Bess is easily the favourite of all the Queen’s ladies and the two are intimately close as Elizabeth views her as much as a friend as a servant, with Bess taking on responsibility for much of the Queen’s personal attendance and running personal errands that the Queen wants to keep from her councilors. In fact, Mary was held in custody at various places for 19 years before her execution in 1587, at the age of 44. Walsingham continues to warn Queen Elizabeth of Spain's rising power and of the Catholics' plots against her, but unlike her predecessor and half-sister Mary I of England, Elizabeth refuses to force her people to share her religious beliefs. Bess also finds Raleigh attractive and they begin a secret affair. The execution was less graceful, though Mary again conducted herself with dignity, but the executioner took two strokes and when he held her head up to the assembled crowd her hair, revealed to be a wig, came away and her head thudded to the ground. Instead, the couple marries in secret. While Elizabeth longs for “an honest man” from across the seas where Raleigh has been travelling, the main contenders presented for her consideration are King Erik of Sweden, Ivan the Terrible and the Archduke Charles of Austria. [2] Some of the simpler fictions are: The film depicts an important episode in the violent struggle between the Protestant Reformation and the Counter-Reformation that polarised European politics. The intent was for Spain to invade England to place Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne, while men already in England would assassinate the Queen clearing the way for Mary’s succession. In History: Bess entered the Queen’s service in 1584, at age nineteen. Far from being overwhelmed by favour, it wasn’t until the early 1590s that Elizabeth began granting him titles and gifts, but there was no question of the two of them having an affair. Philip died ten years later, but he had not bankrupted the country in building the fleet and he did not die in the disgrace that the film suggests. Trama. Sei un blogger? [30] Blanchett was also nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the film, becoming the first female actor to receive another Academy Award nomination for the reprisal of the same role. Scheda del film ''Elizabeth - The Golden Age'' di Shekhar Kapur. Although there was an element of the plot that would have asked the Spanish king to invade on Mary’s behalf, the entire plot was not orchestrated by Philip of Spain who needed less of a pretext to invade than the film suggests. Ultimately, he was successful and Mary was executed, but he had no brother to be a part of it, though he had several sisters (none of which were embroiled in treason). Kapur was thrilled to have both Rahman and Armstrong working together on the music, saying it was fascinating to watch "two people with totally different backgrounds and cultures" interact. His death after the victory of the Spanish Armada devastated Elizabeth and she locked herself away until William Cecil had her doors broken down so that she may begin the celebration festivities. Further, English ships began a policy of piracy against Spanish trade and threatened to plunder the great Spanish treasure ships coming from the new world. Elizabeth - The Golgen Age è un film del 2007 diretto da Shekhar Kapur, sequel di Elizabeth. There is little security – her ladies are allowed to come and go as they please and as a result she is able to conspire with Walsingham’s full knowledge. An infuriated Elizabeth berates Bess, reminding her that she cannot marry without royal consent. It's not Catholic against Protestant; it's a very fundamental form of Catholicism. This betrayal was compounded by the birth of a son and further compounded with the impunity with which Bess returned to her duties after the birth. Trama de la película: Ver Elizabeth: The Golden Age Película completa en línea aquí.Elizabeth: The Golden Age is Biography, Drama, History pelicula en Hollywood.Esta película lanzada el 12 October 2007 y esta película escrita por y Michael Hirst, William Nicholson. I can't think of a historical period film in which England and the English have been depicted heroically for the last forty or fifty years. This representation of a historical period is heavily fictionalised for the purposes of entertainment. English explorer Walter Raleigh is presented at Queen Elizabeth's English court, having returned from the New World. I do not own Elizabeth: The Golden Age, nor do I have any right to reproduce it. Brilliant movie. The Film: The entirety of the film is set in 1585. However, he is old and suffers from the occasional illness, exacerbated by the weight of his responsibilities and serving and obstinate queen. Leggi sul sito la trama … Take the knee, girls & boys, you’re mostpart only singing to your own tune in a choir of of your bitter and barren fraternity. Mary is executed and Elizabeth collapses into Raleigh’s arms to be comforted by him and Bess. When Bess’ Throckmorton cousins appeal to her to be restored to the Queen’s favour, she refuses as they are papists. Raleigh played a larger part in the later Spanish invasion attempt of 1597 where once again the Spanish were dispersed largely by bad weather more than the skill of the English. [19] On Metacritic, the film had an average score of 45 out of 100, based on 32 reviews. Elizabeth allows the Archduke Charles to visit, but he is extremely young and awkward, speaking in stunted English.

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